Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Computer Architecture Diagram

Control Unit Executes the program line by line controlling the flow.

ALU performs arithmetic operations and evaluates logical statements. 

RAM is Random Acess Memory; it had volatile memory.

Computer Architecture

Input Devices

  1. Cameras
  2. Video Capture Hardware
  3. Trackballs
  4. Barcode Reader
  5. Digital Camera
  6. Gamepad
  7. Joystick
  8. Micro[hone
  9. Scanner
  10. Webcam
  11. Pen Input
  12. Electronic Whiteboard
  13. Magnetic Whiteboard

Output Devices
  1.  Monitor
  2. Printers
  3. Plotters
  4. Projector
  5. Radio
  6. Speakers
  7. Radio

Both Input and Output Devices
  1. Modems
  2. Network Cards 
  3. Touch Screen
  4. Headsets
  5. Audio Cards/ Sound Card

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fundamentals of Computers

  1. Binary Code
    1. Basic Machine Code
      1. Comes from Power
        1. It is like the food for computers
    2. Composed of 0's and 1's. 
      1. 0 = Off
        1. Bit
      2. 1 = On
        1. Bit
    3. There is 8 bits in a byte.
    4. Input (Source of Code)
      1. Java
      2. C++
      3. Pascal
    5. Process
      1. Compiler
        1. Entire program 
        2. Translates High Level Language to Binary
        3. Large Programs
      2. Interpreter
        1. Line by line
        2. Tells you exactly where there is an error
        3. Translates High Level Language to Binary
    6. Output (Object Code)
      1. 0,1
      2. Binary Code
      3. Machine Code
      4. 010101010011110111001000001111111000001111

My Perspective of Computer Architecture

  1. Languages
    1. Java Scripting Language 
    2. HTML
    3. Scratch
    4. Vague Idea
      1. Python
      2. Ruby on Rails
  2. I don't know the parts of the hardware at all
  3. I don't know how to computer works, but I know how to use various programs and applications such as Adobe and so forth. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Top-Down Design

What is a Top-Down Design?
   A top-down design is a way of organizing a system. Using this way of organizing a system, one can    easily see the breakdown of it, giving more insight into its sub-classes. It is a simplified version of      how a system works.  Here is an example picture of a Top-Down Design.


What is a system?
    A system is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. These parts are sub-classes of the           whole which is the main class. These sub-classes work together, to make sure that everything is in sync. For         example, a school is a system. It is divided into the Academic, Sports, and Theatre Arts Departments. Under         those departments, there are many other sub-classes. For example, Academics is divided into Math, English         and Science. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Name Card- What did I learn from this mission?

So after creating this name card for my partner and for all my other followers, you might ask, "What did I learn?" From this mission I have learned several things. The first thing I learned, was to always ask the audience what they would like. This is because if I base everything off of what I like, then only I will like it, and nobody else will use it or look at it. This will be very bad for my product. Also I learned to make it stand out. If it does not stand out, nobody will read it, and then I will get no followers. After creating the product and looking at many others, I realized that mine was to wordy. Next time, I will make it less wordy, and more creative and well drawn. These were several of the things I have learned. 

Name Card-Epic Failures & Brilliant Comebacks

Epic Failures and Brilliant Comebacks

Throughout making this product I came across many failures and comebacks. My first being replicating This was because I used this as the blueprint of my name card. When I first did this, I did it just remembering the cite, not actually looking at it and making sure that whatever I did made it look like Google. My partner saw this and she quickly told me to make sure it looked exactly like Google. To match her necessity, I looked someone up on Google, and saw what it looked like. Looking at this,  tweaked my other product and made sure it was perfect for her.  Another comeback I had was adding pictures. When I first started doing it, it was all text. It was not standing out. I realized this at the end, and to make it a little better, I added something called Google Ads, and I added 4 to 5 pictures to make sure it was good. 

Name Card- Prototype and Test

This is my final version of my product. I got feedback from my partner and she said it was really good. I changed some things from my Ideate and this time I made it great. I truly think that people will read this, not only because its fun but creative and funny. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Name Card - Ideate

This is one of my first ideas. I am replicating Google site, and putting my name in in the Search Box. And what comes up is everything about me and all the things which come on the side our supposedly adds but are actually pictures which represent me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Name Card- Define


  • Different Colors
  • Pop Art
  • Make it interesting
    • Make it stand out 
  • Use not just paper but other objects
    • Pencil
  • Different Fonts

Name Card - Dig Deeper

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Hobby
  4. Sport
  5. Animal
  6. Where are you from?
  7. Color
  8. Shape
  9. Subject
  10. What do you want to be when your grow up?
  11. Food
  12. Artist
  13. Type of Music
  14. Spotify or Pandora or Youtube
  15. Superpower
  16. Favorite Sports Name

Name Card- Empathize

Name Card-Empathize

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Hobby
  4. Sport
  5. Animal
  6. Where are you from?
  7. Siblings
  8. Pets
  9. Color
  10. Shape
  11. Subject
  12. What do you want to be when your grow up?
  13. Food
  14. Full Name
  15. Song
  16. Artist
  17. Type of Music
  18. Search Engine
  19. Spotify or Pandora or Youtube
  20. What thing represents you most?
  21. Superpower
  22. Superhero
  23. Letter
  24. Favorite Sports Brand
  25. Favorite Movie

Design Thinking Process--Week 1

Design Thinking Process
  • Empathize
    • Interview
      • Ask the user or customer what he would like in the new product
      • You can also use surveys to help you
      • Make sure you know exactly what the customer is wanting.
    • Digging Deeper
      • Find the major things needed for your product
      • Ask consumer/user what is necessary in the product
  • Define
    • What is the problem/challenge?
      • What are you trying to solve
      • What are some challenging things you are going to face when building your product
        • This is based from the Empathize stage
        • How will you overcome these challenges?
  • Ideate
    • Few ROUGH sketches of what your product will look like
      • Based from the Define and Empathize stage of this process
    • Feedback
      • Responsibility of the person giving feedback. 
        • Strong Criticism
        • As well as things to improve
        • NOT Biast
      • This will help you add and/or subtract things from your sketches and your vision of your product
    • After you receive as much as feedback as you can, create some newer sketches of your product
  • Prototype
    • Create the product based on your final rough sketches (Ideate)
  • Test
    • Look for all of your possible problems and make sure you have satisfied all of your necessities of your customer
    • Test your product with other customers and make sure they are happy
      • If not, go back to your prototype and make changes.