Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Design Thinking Process--Week 1

Design Thinking Process
  • Empathize
    • Interview
      • Ask the user or customer what he would like in the new product
      • You can also use surveys to help you
      • Make sure you know exactly what the customer is wanting.
    • Digging Deeper
      • Find the major things needed for your product
      • Ask consumer/user what is necessary in the product
  • Define
    • What is the problem/challenge?
      • What are you trying to solve
      • What are some challenging things you are going to face when building your product
        • This is based from the Empathize stage
        • How will you overcome these challenges?
  • Ideate
    • Few ROUGH sketches of what your product will look like
      • Based from the Define and Empathize stage of this process
    • Feedback
      • Responsibility of the person giving feedback. 
        • Strong Criticism
        • As well as things to improve
        • NOT Biast
      • This will help you add and/or subtract things from your sketches and your vision of your product
    • After you receive as much as feedback as you can, create some newer sketches of your product
  • Prototype
    • Create the product based on your final rough sketches (Ideate)
  • Test
    • Look for all of your possible problems and make sure you have satisfied all of your necessities of your customer
    • Test your product with other customers and make sure they are happy
      • If not, go back to your prototype and make changes. 

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