Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fundamentals of Computers

  1. Binary Code
    1. Basic Machine Code
      1. Comes from Power
        1. It is like the food for computers
    2. Composed of 0's and 1's. 
      1. 0 = Off
        1. Bit
      2. 1 = On
        1. Bit
    3. There is 8 bits in a byte.
    4. Input (Source of Code)
      1. Java
      2. C++
      3. Pascal
    5. Process
      1. Compiler
        1. Entire program 
        2. Translates High Level Language to Binary
        3. Large Programs
      2. Interpreter
        1. Line by line
        2. Tells you exactly where there is an error
        3. Translates High Level Language to Binary
    6. Output (Object Code)
      1. 0,1
      2. Binary Code
      3. Machine Code
      4. 010101010011110111001000001111111000001111

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