Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Top-Down Design

What is a Top-Down Design?
   A top-down design is a way of organizing a system. Using this way of organizing a system, one can    easily see the breakdown of it, giving more insight into its sub-classes. It is a simplified version of      how a system works.  Here is an example picture of a Top-Down Design.


What is a system?
    A system is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. These parts are sub-classes of the           whole which is the main class. These sub-classes work together, to make sure that everything is in sync. For         example, a school is a system. It is divided into the Academic, Sports, and Theatre Arts Departments. Under         those departments, there are many other sub-classes. For example, Academics is divided into Math, English         and Science. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Name Card- What did I learn from this mission?

So after creating this name card for my partner and for all my other followers, you might ask, "What did I learn?" From this mission I have learned several things. The first thing I learned, was to always ask the audience what they would like. This is because if I base everything off of what I like, then only I will like it, and nobody else will use it or look at it. This will be very bad for my product. Also I learned to make it stand out. If it does not stand out, nobody will read it, and then I will get no followers. After creating the product and looking at many others, I realized that mine was to wordy. Next time, I will make it less wordy, and more creative and well drawn. These were several of the things I have learned. 

Name Card-Epic Failures & Brilliant Comebacks

Epic Failures and Brilliant Comebacks

Throughout making this product I came across many failures and comebacks. My first being replicating This was because I used this as the blueprint of my name card. When I first did this, I did it just remembering the cite, not actually looking at it and making sure that whatever I did made it look like Google. My partner saw this and she quickly told me to make sure it looked exactly like Google. To match her necessity, I looked someone up on Google, and saw what it looked like. Looking at this,  tweaked my other product and made sure it was perfect for her.  Another comeback I had was adding pictures. When I first started doing it, it was all text. It was not standing out. I realized this at the end, and to make it a little better, I added something called Google Ads, and I added 4 to 5 pictures to make sure it was good. 

Name Card- Prototype and Test

This is my final version of my product. I got feedback from my partner and she said it was really good. I changed some things from my Ideate and this time I made it great. I truly think that people will read this, not only because its fun but creative and funny.