Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Computer Architecture Diagram

Control Unit Executes the program line by line controlling the flow.

ALU performs arithmetic operations and evaluates logical statements. 

RAM is Random Acess Memory; it had volatile memory.

Computer Architecture

Input Devices

  1. Cameras
  2. Video Capture Hardware
  3. Trackballs
  4. Barcode Reader
  5. Digital Camera
  6. Gamepad
  7. Joystick
  8. Micro[hone
  9. Scanner
  10. Webcam
  11. Pen Input
  12. Electronic Whiteboard
  13. Magnetic Whiteboard

Output Devices
  1.  Monitor
  2. Printers
  3. Plotters
  4. Projector
  5. Radio
  6. Speakers
  7. Radio

Both Input and Output Devices
  1. Modems
  2. Network Cards 
  3. Touch Screen
  4. Headsets
  5. Audio Cards/ Sound Card

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fundamentals of Computers

  1. Binary Code
    1. Basic Machine Code
      1. Comes from Power
        1. It is like the food for computers
    2. Composed of 0's and 1's. 
      1. 0 = Off
        1. Bit
      2. 1 = On
        1. Bit
    3. There is 8 bits in a byte.
    4. Input (Source of Code)
      1. Java
      2. C++
      3. Pascal
    5. Process
      1. Compiler
        1. Entire program 
        2. Translates High Level Language to Binary
        3. Large Programs
      2. Interpreter
        1. Line by line
        2. Tells you exactly where there is an error
        3. Translates High Level Language to Binary
    6. Output (Object Code)
      1. 0,1
      2. Binary Code
      3. Machine Code
      4. 010101010011110111001000001111111000001111

My Perspective of Computer Architecture

  1. Languages
    1. Java Scripting Language 
    2. HTML
    3. Scratch
    4. Vague Idea
      1. Python
      2. Ruby on Rails
  2. I don't know the parts of the hardware at all
  3. I don't know how to computer works, but I know how to use various programs and applications such as Adobe and so forth. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Top-Down Design

What is a Top-Down Design?
   A top-down design is a way of organizing a system. Using this way of organizing a system, one can    easily see the breakdown of it, giving more insight into its sub-classes. It is a simplified version of      how a system works.  Here is an example picture of a Top-Down Design.


What is a system?
    A system is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole. These parts are sub-classes of the           whole which is the main class. These sub-classes work together, to make sure that everything is in sync. For         example, a school is a system. It is divided into the Academic, Sports, and Theatre Arts Departments. Under         those departments, there are many other sub-classes. For example, Academics is divided into Math, English         and Science.